
Vivian Jones

Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Area Sec/Lot Space Columbarium
Jones Vivian 1929-04-27 2024-05-27 Block 6 Space 294

More information on this burial can be found on the Find-A-Grave website.

Info on Finding a Burial

The actual GPS location used in our cemetery is collected by volunteers using cell phone technology. The GPS coordinates collected are NOT survey grade. We believe that you can draw a 10 ft radius circle around the place our marker symbol appears on the Google map to begin. Then if you search the area within that circle you will likely find the burial you seek.

If no map is drawn when you find and click on the name of the person you seek it means that no GPS data was collected and it most likely could mean no headstone or grave marker exists. The cemetery tries to gather this kind of data when burials take place.